
To write about Leo Baxendale is to write about one of the most prolific, funny, subversive, and revolutionary comic artists in the UK. According to cartoonist Lew Stringer, “Leo is the most influential artist in British humour comics over the past 60 years. Even today, long after Leo retired from traditional children’s comics, his style is still evident in the pages of The Beano and other comics. His strips were certainly a big influence on my work and that of artists such as David Sutherland, Tom Paterson and Nigel Parkinson.” (Blimey!)

Several books could be written about his life and the impact that he has had on children and young artists throughout the decades. Alas! A simple blog post will not do him justice, but we are certainly going to try. Baxendale will be the first of our artist highlights for the Comic Creators Project at the Cartoon Museum.

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